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1 Dive 1 Clean

Posted by sevenseas on 2020年10月24日
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Happy Cleaning Day!!

Today, NAUI hosted Ocean Cleanup Campaign at Izu Oceanic Park!! 1Dive 1Clean!
The Ocean provides so much benefit to us, and we take it for granted. So this events reminded us how important the ocean is and gave us an opportunity to return the favor. Please keep the ocean clean and protect aquatic animals!!


(Big smiles after Clean-Up! So Weird lol)


(There wasn’t so much trash at the beach. I think they cheated. They put their own trash in the trash bag hahaha)


(There was a raffle event! Every one of us won some prize!! They don’t look so excited for it thought. Why???)


(Wow!! How could people pollute this? We have to protect this for sure!!)


(Where would you like to mail to? haha)


Did you enjoy the photos and jokes that I made on them? 

I will see you next Saturday!! Dive clean, Dive safely through Education!!




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