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Nitrox SP & OW @ IOP

Posted by sevenseas on 2021年9月11日
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First of all, today’s title looks like cryptography lol

Anyway, hello divers!! How are you doing? Are you all diving today as well? We had an exciting day today. We finally did Nitrox SP course at Izu Ocean Park. We have wanted all our guests to understand benefits of using Nitrox. Most of them don’t know what it is, or they know it but think it is not for them. We are so happy that 5 people took this course, and they learnt so much about it and said that Nitrox is very beneficial for us.  For the near future, we hope more people will take this course and get familiar with Nitrox.



We also had 1 open water diver today. Sea condition was greet today. Very calm and warm. It was great day for diving lecture. The guest who did Open Water course today was so luck to do so at such a nice diving spot like IOP.

All right, this is it for today. Dive more, dive safe through education!!





住所:〒157-0062 東京都世田谷南烏山6-7-17 Tel:090-4544-7823 



HP: http://sevenseas74.com/setagaya/

FBセブンシーズ: https://www.facebook.com/sevenseas74/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sevenseas.s…

営業時間:12:00~18:00 定休日:火/水曜日(ツアー不在時有り)

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