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Welcome Back and Congrats!!

Posted by sevenseas on 2021年8月21日
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Hello divers!! How are you all doing today! Finally, the weather has become better, and it’s time to enjoy diving!!

Today, one guest from last summer has come back, and he practiced his buoyancy control. He said he finally got a hang of it. We are so happy to dive with him and see his diving skill improving so much. Hope he will start diving more often and experiencing so many things that he has never seen before. 



Also, one open water diver was born today. Congrats!! She decided to get a license for her goal. We think that it is very important to set a goal first and make efforts for it. This is the way to enjoy diving truly and keep doing it constantly. Please keep it up!!

We also had some Try Scuba Diving guests as usual. We really hope that it was a great experience for them to get to know the beauty of diving. 



Can’t wait to go diving with all of you. Please feel free to contact us if you want to go diving but don’t know what to do. We are here to help you.

Dive more, dive safe through education!!





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