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2nd day of Hachijo Tour!!

Posted by sevenseas on 2021年5月4日
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Hello all divers! How are you spending your time in Golden Week?

some of you already know, but we are in Hachijo island now. Today was our 2nd day of our Hachijo tour. The wind was slowing down and not as strong as yeaster. It was a great day of diving. Today’s diving spot was Yaene. This spot is well known for the big arch. When we saw it in person, we were amazed by how magnificent it was. There were also big groups of fish schooling around it, and we ran into so many sea slugs as well.

Of course, we also saw many green sea turtles. One of them was acting so fanny. It was rubbing its shell against rock. Maybe it was scratching its back like we do. 

Anyway, in these 2 days, we had a great time diving here. This is, for sure, unforgettable memories for us. We are very thankful for this great opportunity. And we are so glad that we had successful diving tour without any troubles.

See you all! Dive more, Dive safe through education!!



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