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What is Nitrox? Part 2

Posted by sevenseas on 2021年4月12日
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How are all divers doing? Today we had open water training, and I noticed that more people choose to dive with Nitrox over regular air. So, let’s talk about the benefits of Nitrox.

Here are several benefits you can get from Nitrox!

1. Safety
Due to the less nitrogen that nitrox contains within itself, the chance of decompression sickness (DCS) decreases.

2.Extended Bottom Time
Nitrox can extend No Decompression Limits (NDL). This means that you can dive longer than you can usually do when using Air.

3.Shorter Surface Intervals
Divers with Air need longer surface interval than those who choose to use Nitrox. This is simply because less Residual Nitrogen is in your body system.

4.Longer Repetitive Dive Time
Nitrox is beneficial for those who would like to perform multiple dives per a day.

5.Reduced Exhaustion
Less nitrogen potentially reduces exhaustion. Nitrogen can affects human body physically and mentally, and this leads to tiredness. So, the less nitrogen, the less tired.

Hope you learnt something new today. Dive more, dive safe through education!!

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