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Learn! Learn! Learn!

Posted by sevenseas on 2020年10月10日
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Hello, Guys! What would you do during Typhoon season.
In the middle of the typhoon season, Scuba Diving Geeks still spend their time on things, which are diving related. It is always nice to learn and study about Diving when you can’t be outside. You can learn about diving equipment or some skills such as neutral buoyancy. These things can help you build up confidence within you, and that leads you to the point where you can fully enjoy Diving itself. Knowledge, which you have gain through learning from something or someone, reveals many different aspects of diving that you couldn’t have seen before.



In this weekend, Jogashima Diving Center is closed due to the 14th Typhoon, so it was a great time for us to study the basic of diving. Today we had 4 guest, and they seemed to be very impressed by what diving really is, and they seemed to get more interested in it as the classroom lecture went by. At the end, one of them even asked about the step-up programs. It is always fan to have a discussion with diving enthusiastic people and see them getting excited.



Let me ask you one question. Do you know how to determine the exact weight you need to have better neutral buoyancy. If so, can you tell me how?
if you read this blog and plan to see me at Jogashima soon, please let me hear your answer!! lol

Anyway, Happy diving, dive more and dive safely through education.

Take care.

Peace out!!





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