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Posted by sevenseas on 2020年12月13日
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Hello guys! how is your Sunday going? Today, we had multi level training at Jogashima, which means that all guests were trained at different levels. Some of them were doing Dive Master course, and the others were doing Advance Open Water course. They said it was very educational to go to the next level as a diver. 



They also had to face the harsh aspect of diving. One of them got seasick after 1st dive. He was expecting that to happen because he had never gotten seasick before. The other guest started feeling dizzy as soon as he started descending. They wanted to keep diving, but they decided not to do so. It was a brave and smart decision. Many divers can’t make such a decision due to their ego. They tend to push themselves, which could potentially lead to some serious accidents. So I proudly consider our guests as a real and very responsible diver. So if you think you are not in a proper condition to dive, please be brave to make a smart decision like those guests made today.



There is an announce to make. On January 17th, there is a drysuit monitoring happening. This is a great chance to try on the drysuit and dive with it if you are considering to buy one. The best diving season is the winter. If you are a Kanto area diver, why don’t you buy one?  Let me know and DM me if you are interested in.

Dive more, dive safe through education!!







住所:〒157-0064 東京都世田谷区給田3-34-1.1F
Tel:03-3307-3888 Fax:03-3307-4746

HP: http://sevenseas74.com/setagaya/

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