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Big Cleaning part1

Posted by sevenseas on 2020年11月14日
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Hi, divers! Still diving during the winter time?

For us, it is time for seasonal change of clothing!! (I am not sure if this translation is correct for a Japanese word “Koromogae” haha) 

To get started, we have done some organizing on so many documents on our guest divers’ records. Since Seven Seas was founded more than 30 years ago, there were some many documents that we had to go through to organize. Because of this, I was recognized that Seven Seas has educated so many divers for a long time. I truly hope that those divers still dive in some way for even now. 


We also cleaned up our equipment box. It was like a treasure box to me when I was going through it for cleaning. There were some equipment parts that I didn’t know about, and Motoi san taught me what their names were and what they were for. Oh by the way, I recently became in charge of the equipment department. I have always wanted to learn about the equipment, and this is a great opportunity to study all diving gears. So if you have any question about diving gears, just let me know. I will try to answer all your question with my best.



This is it for today. I hope you all had a great Saturday today. Dive more, dive safely through education!!

See you next one!!





Seven Seas Setagaya Main Store
Address: 3-34-1.1F, Kyuden, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-0064
Tel: 03-3307-3888 Fax: 03-3307-4746
Mail: info@sevenseas74.com
HP: http://sevenseas74.com/setagaya/
FB Seven Seas: https://www.facebook.com/sevenseas74/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sevenseas.saki/
Business hours: 12:00 to 18:00
Regular holiday: Tuesday (when the tour is absent)

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