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Which Type to Buy?

Posted by sevenseas on 2020年11月7日
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Hello, Divers!! How are you doing?

 Last Saturday, we talked about the types of Dry-suit, which are neoprene and membrane (shell). Now, let’s discuss which type of dry-suit is suitable for you.

 First of all, as mentioned before, the shell type dry-suit is generally popular for technical divers due to its material in terms of flexibility and customization. Its flexibility makes those divers easy to move around their arms to reach to all essential gears on BC. Since the material is very thin, it is necessary to wear some clothes underneath the dry-suit. This means that it is very easy to adjust thickness of the layer of clothes. The thicker is warmer. The thinner is cooler. Even though this type of dry-suit is not durable, the technical divers prefer this type.

 If you are a recreational diver, the neoprene type dry-suit is preferable. It is very durable, so you wouldn’t  damage it if you treated it roughly. Also, when you are under the water, you sometime scratch the dry-suit against rocks or some kind of objects. When that happens, it wouldn’t be torn easily. For the fashion aspect, the neoprene type will come with some very different colors and designs. If you would like some different design on your dry-suit, you can buy semi order made dry-suit with the neoprene material. On top of this, the neoprene material is very good at insolation, so it is no need to buy extra clothes to put on inside the dry-suit, which saves some money.



Hopefully, the last blog and today’s blog helps you understand the dry-suit and which type of dry-suit to buy if you plan to purchase one.

Happy Saturday! Dive more, Dive safely trough education!! Bye!!




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