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Posted by sevenseas on 2021年1月23日
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Hello, divers! How have you been doing these days? Still keep diving?

Today, we had a day off, so we decided use it as our day-off training to improve our diving skill. One of our DM candidates joined us. He is always eager to dive often and learn as much as possible. We really admire that energy that he has. I am sure that he will be a great pro diver.

It is always nice to go back to the basics to improve your skill. What we did today was scuba diving skill, which were regulator recovery, mask clearing, and octopus breathing accent. Of course, we practiced hovering skill as well. It is a very basic skill but one of the most difficult diving skills if you polish it.


Anyway, it was a very successful and productive day. We usually don’t have time for just skill training for ourselves. We definitely will do more of this in future. Let me know if you would like to join us. 


Dive more, dive safe through education!!





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