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Happy New Year!!

Posted by sevenseas on 2021年1月9日
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Happy New Year!! How was your New Year break? 

There has be a big change for us. Now our shop is turning to a coffee shop run by one of our instructor candidates. Due to the reason, we have been cleaning and organizing our shop to get ready. If you get worried about not being able to see us in person at the shop by reading this blog, don’t worry. We will be at the coffee shop. if you request to see and chat with us in person, we can do so there. Anyway, this is a good news, so I am very excited about the change.



Tomorrow, ITC (instructor training course) CW(Confined Water) will start. At this time, 2 instructor candidates will be trained and tested. I am excited to see how they perform, and can’t wait for them to be a great diving instructor.

Anyway, I am very excited to see you all at Jougashima or other diving spots, and I hope this year will be a better one for all of us.

Dive more, dive safe through education!!






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Tel:03-3307-3888 Fax:Mailにて添付願います。
HP: http://sevenseas74.com/setagaya/
FBセブンシーズ: https://www.facebook.com/sevenseas74/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sevenseas.saki/



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